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Monday, August 30, 2010

Nak jadi terer

Salam Merdeka!
Aku nak  jadi terer..tapi byk benda nak kena polish
Aku nak jadi terer..tapi aku perlukan korg utk 'maki' aku

Puteri Lala

Byk benda nak kena improve.
~Sedang giat membaikpulih sistem deria daya rekaan gue setelah 4 tahun meninggalkan
si dia..maafkan daku wahai DERIA


Another fast track job

Villa at Abu Dhabi

Visualiser tu pun manusia jugak, lainla kalau 'Visualiser tu Mesin'.
~gomenasai..hasil kerja yg mcm hampeh sikit.


View ni keluar kat ILHAM KREATIF SENI HIAS issue September 2010, walaupun takde ape yg 'WOW'.
sila jamu~


Bilik aku dah siap..

Aku perlu pokok yg Banyak

Idea dah berkarat. Aargh..letak je la pokok²..

Visualiser at work!

Assalamualaikum wbt
First touch for the new place. First 3d perspective after 4 years 'away'. 

The color contrast between light and vibrant tones, like the constant search for balance and a certain symmetry of form, characterizes the mood style in the office.
Sila tunjuk